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The Hip Hop Jesus (3639 hits)

The Hip Hop Jesus dvd message is about transforming an entire generation. This is bigger than The Passion of The Christ movie and The Bible Experience cd, because of the youth and young peopHile it will reach and impact.
If President Obama can raise the bar and standard of our youth globally, then how much more will The Hip Hop Jesus do when those outside the church learn that Jesus was just like them...Hip Hop, as it will encourage and educate those youngsters inside the walls of the church.
This is not a lost or hopeless generation but a generation that only needs to hear The Hip Hop Jesus dvd message.
If you have a son or daughter, or work with our youth and young people in any capacity, this is the dvd you need to have.
\Go to: www.realtalkministries.synthasite.com
Posted By: Apostle Truth
Tuesday, August 9th 2011 at 10:13PM
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