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Bullying and More 4 Adopted Girls (1087 hits)

Also, Recently, A teacher gave my nine year inappropiate material to
read. A chair was pulled off from under another her arm was injured.
She received a sling at the hospital and she still has pain. They are
so bullied at Buckatunna School. Also, my children were allowed pick
up from someone who name was not on the list to pick them up. MORE
MORE MORE Proof that this was brought up to the staff.
October 1, 2010 back 180days and more
Around 11:00 a.m., I received a call from MS L Revette. She stated
that my child had stolen a wallet from another student. I said an
accusation she said, no ,she did it. She confessed to it. I said I
don’t believe she did it but, I am on my way.
MS Patton was in MS Revette’s office as well. ( I had just spoken to
them, separately, they were huddled together at the homecoming game
last night.) Ms Revette started by saying what she accused Serena of.
I defended her, by reminding MS Revette of the bullying and the non
supervision and monitoring. I stated that my children do not have a
fair advantage at that school. I repeated some history of Buckatunna
and other statements. She passed a paper stating that Serena had five
days suspension. She disagreed, MS Patton interrupted at times. Said
she would get Serena an Emotional ruling. I repeated that it has been
so many request made by me and nothing is being done. As, I was
leaving out, MS Revette loudly laughed behind me. I turned to make
sure it was her that mocked us and this situation.
I asked Serena, what happened if she did it. She was so frightened and
confused. She said nothing. She cried. I told her it was okay. I asked
if she would rather discuss it at home, she nodded yes.
I went over speaking to MS Everette and signing out my kids. She asked
what was wrong, I explained of the accusation, MS Revette came
barreling in that office saying that I can not involve MS Everette. I
sated that, she asked what was going on and I told her.
I left with my kids. We stopped at home. Just as I suspected, Serena
gave her story and said she did not do it. She said she felt fear, she
was scared when they found it in there.
Talked to MS Leah, who was interested in some the other happenings as
well. But, could not go over to the Superintendent office with me. I
talked to Mr. Clay after waiting for quite some time. Mr. Clay had the
copies in front of him. It was a long similar meeting of 2009. He
laughed at me several times.
I carried Serena to her 3:00 p.m. appointment to see Dr. Parker. Gave
summary and she said, she can start seeing another therapist. Ms Tracy
is no longer there. She had not missed an appointment under Doctor
Parker’s care. Which to me is top therapy, coming from the doctor.
I am feeling forced to home school.
Rayar Johnson

October 4,2010
Would have been nine weeks test, kids were excited about so they could
move their book level up.

Help, I am forceed to home school because of bullying, mistaken
suspension,unsupervision in school and cheerleader practice,bus driven
by sucididal man, They someone pick them up not on the list, 9 year old given passion material to read,children
told not to come to that school if, told of cheating onthe mct2 test
and the school rating is successful, none of our request were met,

Disability rights not met, unfair education therapist stop coming and more
Buckatunna Elementary school
P O Box 60
Buckatunna,MS 39322

Rayar Johnson
20 JR Merrill RD
Buckatunna, MS 39322
Posted By: R J
Sunday, October 24th 2010 at 10:10AM
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