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The recession is changing how consumers shop foods and perceive the brands that supply the groceries. (748 hits)

The recession is changing how consumers shop foods and perceive the brands that supply the groceries.

As reported on the multicultural consumer website http://www.decisivemagazine.com by Peter Jacobson, a new study from Deloitte shows a new more budget-conscious consumer is evolving in America. 92% of American households have modified their food shopping habits by turning to store brands, loyalty cards and coupons more than ever before.

The real game-changer is Internet coupons - a consumer love affair that has transformed to a million dollar business. Year to date, coupon websites have cranked out 1.37 million coupons saving households $42.3 Million.

Another shift is the confidence in store brands, commonly believed to be packaged by leading national brands and the number one choice of pantry planners. The conclusion? According to the numbers, U.S. consumers are not radically changing their grocery spending but by using coupons and turning away from national brands, getting more bang for the buck.
Posted By: Richard Baron
Saturday, September 18th 2010 at 7:21AM
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