Are you struggling to make your mortgage payments. Many people throughout the nation are losing their homes to foreclosure and African-Americans are disporportionally impacted. In other words, we are losing our homes. Why? Because the majority of us were given toxic loans by our lenders!!!!! Well thanks to God a mortgage crisis hit the nation's financial industry and shined the light on the misdeeds of those in the financial big houses of the world. Consequently, loan modifications are being made available to almost everyone. However, lets be clear for a minute, they are not being given to anyone and everyone who wants one. Just because you call your lender and request a loan modification means you are going to get one. You have to be ELIGIBLE and you have to QUALIFY. What is it that makes you eligible and what is it that gets you qualified? There is plenty.
I have been doing this for years and you need to know what you are doing. Learn from an expert and take the course at In the above news story of Fox4 News in Dallas, the homeowner was referred to us by the news station. They had just done a story on these folks who lost their home to foreclosure after getting help from a company in California who DID NOT deliver. They heard about me and referred the couple to our company, Mortgage Mitigation Services, LLC. ( ) and not only did we get their home back after being foreclosed upon, but got the lender to give the house back and modify the loan!!!!! Now that's a success story. Check it out and then take the course so I can help you!!!!
Posted By: D Shorts
Tuesday, May 18th 2010 at 8:08AM
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