Fundraiser 1.0 is a product created to help organizations (For-profit or Non-Profit), entrepreneurs, income seekers, and the average person with an alternative solution to raise money or capital online. Bedzzz Inn, Inc raised more than $92,867 in capital in 90 days online without the need for banks, investors, and grants using creative financing. Fundraiser 1.0 will show you how to raise capital or funding from people online looking for capital or funding in classifieds, forums, social network , Google and Yahoo searches and much more.
Get Fundraiser 1.0 to Raise Money Online! Raise up to $11 Million in Capital! If you are tired of looking for funding for your business, do it yourself and not owe anyone. Many entrepreneurs are doing this right now, and it is working. To start raising funds for your business or projects, go to:
http://spedr.com/rq7r to read more and get your Fundraiser 1.0 going today.
Posted By: Samuel Ndoumbe
Sunday, October 11th 2009 at 4:57PM
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