I'm not really against network marketing; It's just not my cup of tea. I know a few people who are making a living off of it. And, I am fully aware that there are about 10 network marketing companies out there that do hundreds of millions (if not billions) in annual revenue. Despite this, I have some bones to pick.
Network marketing is very deceptive, and many who are involved don't even realize the biggest lie that they tell you - that "you can own your own business."
My question is simple: What exactly do you own?
Business ownership is when you possess and control all the entities within the company. You own the trademarks, the copyrights, the storefront, the inventory, the web site, and most importantly - all the profits. You even own the right to make major decisions for the company.
As a network marketer, you don't own any of these.
That makes you nothing more than just an employee, a contractor, or a sales person - however you want to word it. Neither of these are bad titles, as long you understand that the only thing you actually own is that lie you just bought.
Posted By: Dante Lee
Saturday, May 23rd 2009 at 12:37PM
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