Did you know you get get your mortgage loan modified and that you can do it yourself. But you need knowledge to be successful at it. Many people throughout the nation are losing their homes to foreclosure and African-Americans are disporportionally ...
Posted Tuesday, May 18th 2010 at 8:11AM
Many homeowner's have lost their home due to IGNORANCE. Simply not knowing. Wisdom is gettig the information you need for your particular situation AND then using it.
If you need so get your mortgage modified because you are behind on your pay ...
Posted Tuesday, May 18th 2010 at 8:09AM
Are you struggling to make your mortgage payments. Many people throughout the nation are losing their homes to foreclosure and African-Americans are disporportionally impacted. In other words, we are losing our homes. Why? Because the majority of u ...
Posted Tuesday, May 18th 2010 at 8:08AM